jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Where this the lamp?

the lamp is between the beds, in from of the air conditioning

front of the wall and on the night table and in the center of the Picture

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

Day of the Virgin of sweety

is the most important event for the Zulia. in my family The event is not celebrated because For personal motives we have a different relation with God We weigh that idolatry Only there is one  God and there is no that alavar gods with d small letter.

But my neighbors produce tax by means of personal sacrifices and celbran his day with holidays, alcohol, games of beisbol and it takes a break.

On November 18, 1709, on the waves of the Maracaibo Lake frisky riding a small board smooth. It was early morning and a group of women doing his daily task of washing clothes. That Picture was taken by an old woman, because he needed to cover the jar of water and took it home. There, little by little began to stain the wood, the old lady cleaned it and noticed that appeared signs of a religious image and therefore placed in a special place in the house. It was not long before the miracle happens: the house started shaking and totally lit up "with the brilliance that the altarpiece in bundles spread meridians."The poor old woman, troubled, and fell on his knees before the Virgin of Chiquinquirá and began to "Miracle, miracle!". The neighbors came and saw the Virgin "colored mestizo and Indian face, which looked all homely face." Later, the church authorities thought of moving the table to the Cathedral miraculous, but the Virgin chose his own sanctuary, to acquire a weight impossible to be raised by the devotees went in procession. But to divert the course towards the hermitage of San Juan de Dios, built in 1686, everything was possible and since then is there, La Chinita, Marian fervor fueling of Zulia.On May 18, 1920 Pope Benedict XV honored with the title of Minor Basilica of St John of God, who called Basilica Chiquinquirá Zulia. Earlier, on July 16, 1917 the Pope had ordered the canonical coronation of Our Lady of Chiquinquirá. These efforts were made, according to historian Adolfo Romero Luengo (Mother of God in Zulia, p. 47 ff) by Father Antonio Maria Soto Romero, of the Ports of Altagracia.However, the act of the coronation of the Virgin effectively made many years later, on November 18, 1942, with assistance from President Isaias Medina Angarita and his Cabinet.

to click on the link


my bedroom favorite

my  room favorite is my bedroom because
I have my computer, tv, theater room, air
conditioning and is relaxed. it is the
place where I can relax with
my family and I also like the kitchen
because I can tastings any kind of food
that is available in it.


antenna (anténa) - antena
attic (átic) - desván
back yard (bák iárd) - patio trasero
balcony (bálconi) - balcón
basement (béisment) - sótano
bathroom (báz rum) - baño
bedroom (béd rum) - dormitorio
ceiling (síling) - cielorraso
cellar (sélar) - sótano, bodega
chimney (chímni) - chimenea
deck (dék) - balcón terraza
dining room (dáining rúm) - comedor
door (dóor) - puerta
door handle (dóor jándl) - picaporte
doorbell (dóorbel) - timbre
driveway (dráiv uéi) - entrada par el auto
fence (féns) - cerca
fence gate (féns guéit) - puerta de la cerca
floor (flóor) - piso
front yard (frónt iárd) - patio frontal
garage (garádch) - garage
garden (gárden) - jardín
garden shed (gárden shed) - cobertizo
ground floor (gráund flóor) - planta baja
hall (hóol) - vestíbulo
hallway (hóol wéi) - pasillo
hedge (hédch) - seto
key (kíi) - llave
kitchen (kíchen) - cocina
laundry room (lóndri rúum) - lavadero
lawn (lóon) - césped
living room (líving rúm) - sala
lock (lóok) - cerradura
mailbox (méilboks) - buzón
pantry (pántri) - despensa
patio (pátiou) - patio
peephole (píipjóul) - mirilla de la puerta
pool (pul) - piscina
porch (póorch) - pórtico
roof (rúf) - techo
room (rúum) - habitación
skylight (skái-láit) - tragaluz, claraboya
staircase (stér kéis) - escalera
steps (stéps) - escalones
study (stádi) - despacho, estudio
utility room (iutíliti rúum) - cuarto de servicio
veranda (veránda) - galería, veranda
wall (uól) - pared
window (uíndou) - ventana

my food favorite

my  food  favorite is fried rice because
you have many rich ingredients
like chicken, shrimp, meat
and vegetables endlessthis food or dish comes
from China and is eaten here in Venezuela

is also a plate of Thai and Malay origin consisting of fried rice with American ingredients (such as fittings) such as fried chicken, ham, sausage, raisins, tomato sauce and crouton. Other ingredients such as pineapple are optional. Because it was invented during the Vietnam war to feed the Marine Corps and U.S. Air Force stationed in Thailand, is not usually found in Thai restaurants outside Thailand. With the recent proliferation of Thai restaurants, American fried rice now appears on the menus of Thai restaurants in the United States.

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011


HI. I'M juan molina. I'M AN AVERAGE TECHNICIAN IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. i'm 21 and I HAVE A WIFE AND DAUGHTER LOVE THEM. i get up at 5:30 a.m. the i take  a shower and get dressed at work, and get  the first thing i do is ckeck my e-mail. i usually have 40-50 e-mail in the morning. i stude from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. And I am employed at the laboratory of computation of  2:45 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.



I live in a house, is Big , comfortable, is noisy because  There are many children and my hosue is clean Because we all keep her clean, A bath, a room, a dining room, a court, a garage, a kitchen and it has a very big porch

martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

Bank holidays of Barcelona (Spain)

Bank holidays of Barcelona (Spain)

 On new January 1, year

 On January 6 Epiphany

 On March 7

 On April 22 Good Friday

 On April 25 Easter Monday

 On June 13

 On June 23 and 24 Festival of the day of San Juan - known also as Sant Joan - there will be fireworks, bonfires and holidays in the beach.

 15 I shrivel

 On September 24 Festival of The Mercè - The biggest, more colouring and wild festival of Barcelona - insure yourself of having spirits to feast!

 12 October

 1 November

 On December 6

 On December 8 Day of the immaculate conception

 On December 25 - Christmas

 On December 26 Day of San Esteban


when were you born?

 I was born in December 31th.
 in 1989


where = Lugares

What = Accion

who = Quien?

when = Cuando ?

Juan Carlos's Schedule

" I have a busy week. On Monday morning, I have the English the IInd and the Physics that I classify at 7:00. In the evening I go to the work at 15:00. On Tuesday, I study Equations, in general in the noche I am with my family and every evening am employed at city. Every Wednesday I see statistics and equations again, on Thursday I have it free in the morning and Friday estudi database, every Saturday I happen the time with my family, we play, share and for late I play plastation, in the night we see movies and tv, every Sunday evening I play football lounge and in the night I go to bed early to get up early :D

domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011

lune task for 19/09/2011

A. Hi John, how are you?.
B. well thanks and you?.
C. well.
D. John what time is it?.
  E. It's seven o'clock.
F. Thank you.
G. anything John.
H. I have to go and I have to be eight o'clock in the evening in thehome and you?.
I. I have a hearing at nine. Goodbye John.
J. Maria goodbye.

martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

My benediction

: D   I LOVE 

I am crellente in the crucifix that murio for us to be safe and to have life enterna which can be consedida if actually we accept it in our heart.
I like to listen to the sermons of the shepherd Dante Gebel you full of life and it renews your faith for the connecting channel in Tv.

Know me

My name’s Juan Carlos Molina but you can call me Juan. 
I’m from Maracaibo. I live in Maracaibo, 
in Cuatricentenario. I’m 21 years old and I study engineering in computation at URBE . My favorite sport 
is the futbol . This trimester I am taking 5 classes 
and I am in the 4th trimester.

My favorite equipment of football is the FC Barcelona, all the weekends I see them and my favorite pages are those of sport since they are, as.com, marca.com, sport.es and espndeportes.com

Also I like it the nonaunts, the technology of top and the last thing that happens in day after day. I am charmed with the muscia (It Christens, regaeeton, vallenato, ballads, bagpipes and merenges), my favorite singers are jesus Adrian Romero , franco de vita, Arjona between others.

 I like the Tecnoligia.